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DNA & Forensic Testing

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Let one of our collection specialist help you with our wide variety of DNA testing. We offer the most comprehensive set of DNA tests in Austin, Texas, using AABB accredited reference labs




  • LEGAL DNA TESTING (24-marker standard for the highest level of conclusiveness)

  • PEACE-OF-MIND DNA TESTING (For your own Knowledge, No I.D. required)

  • PRE-NATAL DNA PATERNITY TESTING - confirm the father of the child before they are born (mother will have a non-invasive blood draw when she is at least 9 weeks along in her pregnancy)

  • HOME DNA TESTING (pick-up a test kit to perform in the privacy of your own home - this is a Peace-of-Mind DNA Test)

  • MOBILE: @ Your Location DNA SPECIMEN COLLECTION (fees vary)


  • FAMILY TESTING: Avuncular, Siblingship & Grandparentage (may be used when the Father &/or Mother are not available for testing) Please Note: According to AABB regulations, anything under 91% must be rendered Inconclusive when it comes to non-paternity tests such as sibling, avuncular, grandparent, etc.  Therefore if the results % falls below the 91% threshold, test results by any AABB lab are “Inconclusive”.

  • IMMIGRATION DNA TESTING (we will refer you to our reference lab specialist)

  • INFIDELITY TESTING (Sperm & Semen Analysis)

  • DECEASED TISSUE SAMPLING (normally provide by the Medical Examiner for inheritance or estate proceedings)



Legal paternity tests results are court admissible and can help prove rights for child custody and child support; social security, life insurance, military benefits, and rights of inheritance. 

If you are looking for professional DNA tests and results, then ProResults is for you. We offer quick turnaround times, low prices, and high-quality standards with all of our lab testing. Find out for yourself why we are Austin's leading DNA testing center!


Results are returned on average in 2-4 working days.


*Expedited services available for quicker results.


Our low-cost DNA Testing prices starts @ $199



Forensic and Mobile DNA Testing Available 


When you are in need of accurate, confidential, or fast DNA testing, call us immediately 512-374-9977. We are conveniently located on North Lamar in Austin and will travel to neighboring cities.



Forensically valuable DNA can be found on evidence that is decades old. Common sources of forensic DNA evidence include:

  • Teeth

  • Used cigarette

  • Diabetic Glucose sticks

  • Hairs with root

  • Dentures

  • Blanket, pillow, bedsheet

  • Gum

  • Eyeglasses

  • Bottle, can or glass

  • Hat

  • Fingernails

  • Post mortem tissue

  • Toothbrush

  • Hat

  • Stamp/envelope (lickable)

  • Bone

  • Band-Aid

  • Dirty Laundry



If you prefer to be tested in the privacy of your home, our Mobile DNA testing service is the perfect solution for you. We bring the testing to your location!

For more information on our Austin Mobile DNA testing or to schedule an appointment, call our office at 512-374-9977.




Prueba de Paternidad de ADN


¿Preguntas familiares? La cuestión de la paternidad es estresante para todos los miembros de la familia. ¿Estás listo para la respuesta? Todas las respuestas se encuentran en su ADN. Descubre el padre biológico de un
niño con una prueba de paternidad. ProResults ofrece estas y muchas más pruebas para responder sus preguntas genéticas.


Las pruebas de paternidad de ADN implican la recolección de una muestra de ADN de un niño y del padre potencial. La muestra de ADN se puede recolectar usando múltiples métodos. El método más comunes son recolectar un hisopo del interior de la mejilla.


¿Que tipo de prueba de ADN esta buscando?
-Pruebas de parentesco
-Otras pruebas de ADN


1. Prueba de ADN Paternidad
(Legalmente Adminisible $259 o Informativa $219)
2. Prueba de ADN Parentesco/Abuelos *(>91%)
(Legalmente Adminisible $399 o Informativa $379)
3. Prueba de ADN, Avuncular *(>91%)
(Legalmente Adminisible $399 o Informativa $379)
4. Prueba de ADN, Hermandad *(>91%)
(Legalmente Adminisible $399 o Informativa $379)
5. Prueba de ADN, Maternidad
(Legalmente Adminisible $259 o Informativa $219)
6. Analisis de Semen para deteccion de infedilidad $259
7. Prueba de ADN, Infidelidad $219


* Los Resultados Concluyentes deben ser superiores al 91%

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Paternity DNA Tests


Family questions? The question of paternity is stressful for all family members. Are you ready for the answer? All the answers are found in your DNA. Discover the biological father of a child with a paternity test. ProResults offers these and many more tests to answer your genetic questions.




DNA paternity testing involves the collection of a DNA sample from a child and the potential father. The DNA sample can be collected using multiple methods. The most common method is to collect a swab from the inside of
the cheek.


What type of DNA test are you looking for?
-Kinship tests
-Other DNA tests


1. DNA Paternity Test
(Legally Admissible $259 or Informative $219)
2. DNA Test, Grandparentage*
(Legally Admissible $399 or Informational $379)
3. DNA Test, Avuncular*
(Legally Admissible $399 or Informational $379)
4. DNA Test, Siblingship*
(Legally Admissible $399 or Informational $379)
5. DNA Test, Maternity
(Legally Admissible $259 or Informative $219)
6. Semen analysis for detection of infidelity $259
7. DNA test, Infidelity $219


* Conclusive Non-Paternity Relationship test results must be 91% or great to be Conclusive as related.

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